The tree appears in my dream

The tree appears in my dream
Photo by Simon Wilkes / Unsplash

There was a very big camphor tree near my home in my childhood memory, which also was in front of my elementary school.

My father told me the tree was very old, when he was a child, the tree was there yet.

My grandfather told me the tree was the oldest tree in the town, when he moved here, the tree was there yet.

When the final bell rang, I liked to play hide-and-seek with my schoolmates round it.

When the summer came, I liked to stare at the blanket of stars beneath it in the evening.

When the snowflakes danced in the wind, there was always a snowman beside it.

Everyone lived in the town knew where it was.

Yes, the tree was there. He watched the life of pe0ple who lived in the town. He watched the people grew up, became old and the funeral for their death.

Yes, the tree was there. He watched the life of people who used to live in the town. He watched the people grew up, left the town, and returned back for burial.

It's the tree always appears in my dreams, it's my homesickness, it's the root of me.


In my childhood memory, there was a very big camphor tree near my home and in front of my elementary school.
My father told me the tree was very old. It was already there when he was a child.
My grandfather told me the tree was the oldest in the town. It was already there when he moved here.
When the final bell rang, I liked to play hide-and-seek with my schoolmates around it.
When summer came, I liked to stare at the blanket of stars under it in the evening.
When snowflakes danced in the wind, there was always a snowman next to it.
Everyone who lived in the town knew where it was.
Yes, the tree was there. It witnessed the lives of the people who lived in the town. It saw them grow up, grow old and have funerals for their deaths.
Yes, the tree was there. It witnessed the lives of the people who used to live in the town. It saw them grow up, leave the town and return for burial.
It's the tree that always appears in my dreams. It's my nostalgia. It's my root.