
Photo by Timothy Eberly / Unsplash

My hometown is a small town nearby the Qianjiang River mouth, where in Easten China, and famous for the Qianjiang Tide.

My hometown was rounded by fertile fields, which provided people rice, silk, and fish, but now by tall buildings instead.

My hometown was between two small hills, one was at east, the other was at west, but now there are only two small mounds in sight.

My hometown had hundreds of creeks running through it, but now there are hundreds of cement streets instead.

My hometown was immersing the slow-paced life, but now the hock of cars will tip you to move quickly.

It was my hometown, but it isn't my hometown. I feel uncertain, where is the way to take me home?


My hometown is a small town near the mouth of the Qianjiang River, which is located in eastern China and famous for the Qianjiang Tide.
My hometown used to be surrounded by fertile fields that provided people with rice, silk, and fish, but now they are replaced by tall buildings.
My hometown used to lie between two small hills, one to the east and one to the west, but now only two small mounds are visible.
My hometown used to have hundreds of creeks running through it, but now they are paved over by hundreds of cement streets.
My hometown used to embrace a slow-paced life, but now the honk of cars urges you to move quickly.
It was my hometown, but it is not my hometown anymore. I feel lost, where is the way to take me home?