A Public Secret

A Public Secret
Photo by Dvir Adler / Unsplash

There is a public secret about the success of people.

If your parents are more worthy, erudite, intelligent, and beautiful, you will be easier to get success.

Yes, according to the barrel theory, your parents are the shortest board. The barrel is decided how much water can be filled by them.

When you have read the post, maybe you are or will be parents of your children. So please don't put the hope that uplift your family in your children, but yourself.

Keep learning, reading, and rising up yourself, and you can enhance your own value. Of course, your children and family will get more worth, higher level in security.

Your Children's value is decided by your value.


There is a hidden truth about the success of people.
If your parents are more wealthy, educated, intelligent, and attractive, you will have an easier path to success.
Yes, according to the barrel theory, your parents are the limiting factor. The barrel can only hold as much water as they allow.
When you read this post, maybe you are or will be a parent of your children. So please don't place the burden of improving your family on your children, but on yourself.
Keep learning, reading, and growing yourself, and you can increase your own value. Of course, your children and family will benefit from that, and enjoy a higher level of security.
Your children's value is determined by your value.